Week 7 – Allegiance (Erin Ruff)

Erin wraps up our “Reason for God” series (based off of the book “The Reason for God” by Timothy Keller) on allegiance and what it means to put our allegiance in Christ.

The Gospel-Centered Life: Forgiveness (Jocelyn Dahlberg, Week 8)

In week 8 of our The Gospel-Centered Life series, Jocelyn Dahlberg talked about forgiveness including why it’s hard and what it means to forgive in a biblical manner.
At the beginning of the talk, she showed this video. The recording picks up right when the video ended.
Recording of the talk:
[audio:http://uwspcru.org/wp-content/uploads/The-Gospel-Centered-Life-Forgiveness.mp3|titles=The Gospel-Centered Life – Forgiveness]